Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snowed In

I've been home now for a couple of days and so far so good. I'm taking the prescribed antibiotics and that's probably making me a little sluggish. I don't remember ever having to take antibiotics before. If I have, it was a long time ago, perhaps 25 to 30 years!

I did a little research on this particular antibiotic (Cephalex). It was first isolated from a sewer in Sardinia in 1948 by Italian scientist for Guiseppe Brotzu. Where would we be without sewage?

My balance is still off but is improving. It's worst in the dark or if I've been lying down for a while. Walking around seems to help ... likely, the eyes and touch convince the brain that it should listen to them and ignore that traumatized vestibular system.

Taste is still affected but it hasn't become any worse since yesterday.

Barb went skiing today but is just back. Monica came by this afternoon for a cuppa tea and kindly gave me a ride to the video store and back.

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