Monday, February 2, 2009

Syllables, Sybillants and Cymbals

Phew, I've survived the first day back at work.

Mostly, it wasn't too bad. Several co-workers asked how the operation went and how I was doing. Interestingly, I found I could understand some of them better than before. It's hard to say how but I could pick up more of the consonants, especially the 'sybillants' (s and sh sounds).

Walking to the subway, I heard a flock of starlings overhead. A different sound from sparrows, for sure.

I hadn't realized before how many electronic gadgets make noises when you push their buttons. The bread-maker beeps. My digital camera beeps. The uninterruptible power supply for the computer beeps ... well, OK, I remember that one. It means that it's time to replace the battery. It needed replacing, oh, about 8 years ago and still needs replacing so I can only presume it has been beeping away for all those years and I haven't known!

Some things are NOT working. When I listen to the phone handset I can't hear a thing, not even the dial tone. I'm not sure what's wrong there but it will likely take some time.

Also, music. I tried listening to a bit of Mozart. For example Eine Kleine Nachtmusik the tempo and beat are just right but the whole piece sounds like it's being played not by an orchestra but by a lone and hyperactive percussionist on the cymbals. Monica suggests trying something simpler for starts; a piece with just one or two instruments. She's probably right. I'll have to pull down my rather ancient collection of cassetts tapes as I don't really have much music on CD.

1 comment:

  1. Utube might be useful....Here is a version of Bach cello suite No 1 played by YoYo Ma

    I'll find something a bit slower too.


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