Thursday, January 9, 2025

Tweet, tweet!

 In recent years, Barb and I have become interested in birding.  Not so keen that we will jump into the car and drive 500km for a reported sighting of a Lesser Spotted Killjoy but it's something we enjoy both at home in Toronto and around the cottage.

Much birding is done by ear as well as by eye.  Experienced birders seem to be able to locate a bird at some distance just by listening.  Mystifying: I might hear a bird without really knowing where it is, not even if it's ahead or behind me.  So I'm hoping that having two cochlear implants will improve my birding abilities!

That alone is not sufficient reason to be bilateral.  Perhaps a more important reason is not being able to locate the direction of things like emergency vehicles.  I have no trouble hearing police or ambulance sirens but haven't a clue which direction they are coming from. 

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